Monday 20 August 2012

Increase Metabolism naturally; Remedies for Diabetes

About Diabetes:
Diabetes is among the most debilitating of lifestyle diseases, often the precursor to many other types of health disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and chronic illnesses of the eye. Most diabetics tend to depend upon taking medications, many of which include hormone supplementation injections and drugs for controlling the sugar levels. Though these aids are often critical for managing cases where diabetes seems to have turned into an incurable condition, it is always better to seek natural cures. These natural remedies don’t put forth the kind of side-effects associated with stronger medications and can be resourced from our everyday supplies

What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is something that is important when it comes to losing weight as individuals who have higher metabolism rate tend to lose weight easier and faster.
Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Whether eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning etc.
Metabolism plays a very important role in weight loss. Many people follow fasting to lose weight, but regular fasting slow down body metabolism and cause your blood sugar levels to raise due to stress fasting plays on your body. Whereas metabolic fasting provides nutrients to your body, it needs to stimulate your metabolism to your body into calorie burning mode.
And remember dieting without any consultation may harm to your body's metabolism systems permanently. So I appeal to you to always keep in touch with a nutrition expert.

Different Ways to Increase Metabolism:
  • Drinking Water:
Water is the most important thing you can give your body, especially when you’re regularly exercising.  Drinking plenty of water helps to boost metabolism by helping your organs work more efficiently.  Drinking an adequate amount of water will prove to aid your weight loss because it is a natural appetite suppressant that banishes bloat by flushing out sodium and toxins from your body.  Everyone should drink at least 8 cups of water every day.
  • Grapefruit:
According to researchers there are some huge advantages of adding grapefruit to your diet.
Although the “grapefruit diet” isn’t the healthiest way to go about losing weight, incorporating grapefruit into your diet may help boost your metabolism and works to reduce the insulin levels in your body. Insulin is what tells your body to store fat.

  • Peppers:
Spicy foods can also boost metabolism of body. Especially those loaded with jalapenos, cayenne pepper and curry spices. Because of these types of peppers & spices that contain capsaicin – chemical, it helps to produce more stress hormones. These hormones help to increase metabolism to your body.
  • Green Tea:
Weight Loss Green Tea is unique and effective way to lose weight. It works synergistically to increase the metabolic rate. An increased metabolism is one key factor to sustained weight loss. Without a faster metabolism, weight loss is a battle.
  • Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is richness of soluble fiber which is extremely good for the human body especially for heart, which helps to lower cholesterol. It has plenty of nutrients that will provide you with the energy you need to make it through the day.  Be sure to go for steel cut oats or rolled oats, instead of instant oatmeal to get the most benefit out of it.

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