Monday 23 July 2012

Benefits of Natural Green Tea

In my previous blog, I discussed on Healthy Foods and their Sources. Now I am going to share my experience with weight loss consultant. In last month we (me & my sweetie wife) went for holiday weekend to get relax from daily routine and our day to day fast life. And everyone has to go. In this vacation one ashamed incidence happened with me. Our neighbor where we stayed was such fantastic man elder man, he was 60+ but looks like 40 where as I am 47 but I looks like elder to him.

I and my wife spend some time with his family. On that our discussion he shared his daily workout his diet and more about his secrete behind his healthy fitness. Whereas I also use to do daily workout diet but still he looks like younger to me. Behind this séance, I conclude that to avoid artificial beverages like coffee, tea with unnatural flavors instead of them I have to use Natural Green Tea.

I would like to share this moment and benefits of Natural Green Tea that I realize to share with those my friend who are struggling to lose their weight and being fit & healthy:
Benefits of 100% Natural Green Tea:
Most of people talks about their health related activities the more advices we are likely to get. There are different versions of understanding this. We generally believe that coffee has caffeine, that harmful to health when compared to tea. Most of us like to go with Black tea just like my sweetie because of its taste but the green tea is not loved for its taste but for its healthy ways to our body. It is fact that benefits of natural green tea have been used by people for many decades now.

I also conclude that green tea is beneficial for low of blood pressure and it also helps to cure cancer. And the result is that maximum amount of poly-phenols and antioxidants continue to be retained in the green tea thus increases benefits of green tea.
  • Heart Disease: It is scientifically prove that Green Tea has huge relaxing properties that help on the coating of blood vessels that helps to keep them stress-free and thus help them resist the fluctuations in blood pressure. 
  • Diabetes (Sugar Free Green Tea):  Now a day in a market green tea manufactures like SOTARI provides sugar free green tea, it can help to regulate human body glucose levels, potentially preventing high insulin levels.
  • Weight Loss Green Tea: Green tea is also known for metabolism booster drink. Also poly phenol, found in green tea can intensify the levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body can turn food into calories.
  • Reduce Cholesterol: 100% natural & healthy green tea helps to reduce unnecessary Cholesterol from blood.
  • Cancer Cure: researchers say that Green Tea helps to cure cancer. Green tea can help to reduce risk of esophageal cancer and also kill cancer cells in common without destroying the healthy tissues around them.
  • Dental Care: Dentist believes that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in regular tea helps to annihilate bacteria and other viruses which cause dental caries and also helps in clearing throat infections.
  • Blood Pressure: Regular consumption of green tea may help to keep the blood pressure normal.
So after all that benefit, I have approaches towards Green Tea to become healthy and fit. I wish in next vacation Mr. Smith (person who makes me ashamed :( ) could not recognize me..!