Monday 7 January 2013

Healthy and Super Natural Tips to Weight Loss

Weight loss can be hard but not impossible. Now a day you can found that everyone trying to find right way to for to decrease their waistline and leading a healthier life. I have seen Yoga, running and all that weight losing stuff. Even I asked some of them about their result and surprisingly very few of them achieve their success in weight loss journey. Recently I also found that several drugs that were one approved by the FDA being recalled because it now looks like those drugs may be dangerous to us. So here you can conclude how much of us desperate to lose their weight.

Even I also am trying to find right, affordable and natural way to reduce weight. Let me describe myself; I am 6 feet in height with 156.528 pound. You are thinking that I don't need to lose weight yes you are right and even I agree with. But my wife wanted to keep in fitness, and I also agree with her. You know, being fit has lots of advantages that’s why. For this I have visited lots of guys, gym instructor, weight loss consultant and many more health and fitness expert. And finally noted to go with following tips:

1. First Step is to eat healthy:
The largest meal of the day should be breakfast, when your body has gone all night without any calories, instead of supper, when your body is slowing down and preparing for sleep. Once you sleep, all calories still in your system are turned into fat. So don't eat before bed.

Many of us thinking that skipping breakfast may cut calories, but they don’t know that skipped breakfast replace calories during the day with mindless nibbling, bengeing at lunch and dinner and it may set themselves up for failure.
Eating daily in the morning is a good habit for the successful weight loss. It may have maintained at least 30 pound weight loss for at least a year. So keep habit to have some breakfast in morning. Note that avoid fried food. Instead of fried food, baking, steaming, boiled and grilled food are healthy to have. 

2. Drinking Plenty of Water helps to lose weight:
Drinking plenty of water in day may help to burn calories. Actually it is presented by Dr. Brenda Davy at obesity conference in Phoenix, Arizona. It is also showed that drink 2-3 glasses of water in every 20-30 minutes before every meal lost weight more quickly. In some researchers found that drinking gallons and gallons of water may cause dangerous conditions such as low sodium level in blood (hyponatremia). This is very rate conditions but it sometimes be seen in elder peoples and athletes who sweat significantly and have water to replace dehydrated fluids.

3. Meditations & Yoga
Researchers prove that participating in Yoga and meditation helps to lose weight. Meditation helps us in way to stick to our diet and shed pounds over a longer period of time, in other words permanent weight loss. :)
According to Russian Academy of Medical Science, persons who regularly meditate have greater ability to moderate the intensity of their emotional arousal during stressful situation.

Everyone is aware about Green Tea and its benefits in Weight Loss. We all know that green tea is very much famous for its benefits such as diabetes, cavities, increase metabolism and prevent cancer as well. Green Tea is best metabolic stimulant, it increase thermogenesis which improve natural metabolic process by 4%. It also helps to lose appetite and you will eat 60% less than before.