Tuesday 20 November 2012

Super Natural Energry Drinks

Energy Beverages industry are the fastest growing segments of the beverage industry. Some studies say annual sale of 2011 boasted a whopping 6.9 billion dollar. There is lots of aspect of Energy Drinks. But also recently FDA cited five deaths and one non-fatal heart attack to the highly caffeinated in one of the most reputed Energy Drink. The amount of caffeine in the coffee is known as well the amount of caffeine in soda, but it is difficult of found in energy drink as it doesn’t appear on most labels. So can we say energy drinks are safe?

Side effects of using energy drinks?

Some of energy drinks has 240 mg of caffeine which are approximately equivalent of seven cut of coffee. Actually side effect of energy drink is vary depends on the age groups. Energy drink can effect on organs of human body likes liver and kidneys. It can also cause sleep disturbance, agitation, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, irritability, swatting irregularly.

Alternatives of Caffeine added Energy Drinks: 
Benefits of Drinking Green tea is in many ways, one of the most benefit of drinking green tea is its natural stimulant, as compare to coffee, green tea is much milder than caffeine that exist in coffee. Drinking green tea is also helps to lose your weight too.
  • Coconut Water:
Coconut water is one of the nature's best gifts as refreshing drinks. Researchers show that the antiviral, antibacterial, anti-flammatory and antioxidant activity of coconut water is one of the best Natural healthy energy drinks.
  • Drinking Water:
Human body is composed of about 60% water and that helps to digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, nutrients transportation and most important to keep hydrate. Water can also help to control calories.

  • Fresh fruit or green smoothie
Make a smoothie in the morning and give yourself a healthy boost of fruit sugar instead of caffeine.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Weight Loss and Healthy Benefits Green Tea

Green Tea is exclusively made up from the leaves of Camellia sinensis, which is same source of plant from where Black Tea is derived. China is origin of Green Tea; it has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese Culture and medicine. It has recently become more widespread in West, where black tea is traditionally consumed.
Camellias sinensis leave that we called green tea have undergone minimal oxidation during processing. Green Tea has become the raw material for extract which are used in various beverages. Over the last few decades green tea has been subjected to many scientific and medical studies to determine that extent of its long purported health benefits. Green tea has to treat everything from headaches to depression. Researches discover that regularly having green tea may have lower risk of developing heart diseases and relieve from fatigue.
Green Tea Weight Loss Mix contains highest quality of Hoodia Gordonii, the natural appetite-suppressing herb. Hoodia works yet it must be the highest quality Hoodia, such as that used in the SOTARI’s Green Tea Product. It also works to regulate blood sugar level by reducing the amount of insulin the body produce.
Studies also have found that Green Tea contains over 200 active compound vital, mostly antioxidants like flavonoids(an important class of antioxidants), the catechins, which is 40%-30% of tea extract powder, thiamine which is 4-6% of antioxidants and it one of the amino acids which is only found in green tea.

  • Healthy Lifestyle
Drinking around four to five cups a day of green tea is ample to get the maximum health benefits. Green tea fits into a healthy lifestyle easily and it provides 0 to 2 calories per cup
  • Cancer Prevention
Many studies have proven the importance of green tea in the prevention of cancer, where the antioxidant compounds protect the DNA of cells from the effect of free radicals, and works polyphenol compounds to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells, by blocking formation the blood vessels in the tumor cells. The role of antioxidants in preventing the skin from ultraviolet rays of the sun as well.
  • Directly reduces fat cells
Green tea research shows it is associated with fat cells that are smaller, undergo cell death more easily and fewer new ones are formed in inactive white fat
Regular physical workout and having green tea, helps to fights obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells.
  • Boosts metabolism: Weight Loss
Green tea increases thermogenesis which improves natural metabolic processes by 4% more. Drinking green tea after every meal will help you to increase your body metabolism. Green Tea caffeine is most helpful that caffeine in coffee. There are researches prove that its caffeine does not cause your heart to palpitation and also increase your body metabolism rate.
I think this is the best drink ever I found to increase body metabolism and burn fat more than normal. As your body metabolism rate increase you will burn fat more and it will benefit your weight loss than other drink.

So here I've listed all the super-healthy and completely sensible reasons why you should drink green tea, here’s a more straightforward one: it tastes great! Things that are good for you often have an unfortunate habit of tasting rather awful.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Healthy Super foods you need

Yea... I know that cooking is very boring and it takes lot of time, but if you have some healthy super foods that fortify immune system and fend off diseases like diabetes and serious cancer and heart problem. Yes, that's very true; if you are eating most of following healthy super foods already then it’s good for you. These super foods protect and smooth your skin and also help you to lose weight and stay slim and fit. :) Yea there are also some alternative beverages that give sufficient energy to your body that means not unnecessary energy that make you fatty. SOTARI is leading in offering energy drinks that are substitute to super food like Mango Peach Drink - that has very much energy drink that supplies energy to your body check Mango Peach Drink's Details. Lemmon Green Tea - is very much popular green tea as Weight loss Tea in South California. It has special natural properties that boost metabolism level which is very much important for weight loss. Check out Lemon Green Tea.

Let's talk about Super foods:
Egg (Egg Yolks):
Eggs are very much recommended by Cancer Specialist Doctors especially for Brest cancer because Chicken egg yolks are a significant source of choline and lots of vitamins (A, D) and iron, conjugated linoleic acid and lots of properties. Studies said one egg yolk gives 25% of your daily need and antioxidants that help to prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Many of thought that egg is links to heart disease, but studies say eggs are not harmful but it is very much healthy and it proved on actually substantial evidence.

Greek Yogurt:
As name 'Greek' is made in Greece may use either sheep or cow’s milk. Imports to the US tend to stick with cow’s milk variants, since sheep’s milk has a tangier taste and may be disliked by those unfamiliar to it. Most US made versions of Greek yogurt use only cow’s milk. Greek Yogurt has twice protein and calcium as compare to regular yogurt. It is low in calories and packed with calcium and lives bacterial cultures.

Fat Free Milk:
Milk is very much good for my human body. Because it isn't beneficial for bone but is very much beneficial for weight loss. Especially FAT FREE MILK, recently researchers of University of Tennessee research that obese people who went on low calories, calcium rich diet lost more than 70% those who ate the least food. Fat free milk also contains a variety of important vitamins and minerals that promote a large group of health benefits.

Salmon Fish:
Salmon is reputation of a healthy food and it is largely based on its unusual omega-3 fatty acid content. Normally 4-5 ounces of salmons contains at least 2-2.5 grams of omega-3 Fats. Those Omega-3 essential acids have wide range of health benefits; it can fend off serious heart disease, aiding weight loss, and glowing skin and make your mood.

Lean Beef:
Lean Beef is a unique, special food and great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals and provides 64% of daily valor of the nutrient in just 3 ounces as equals to deck of cards. As it is known as good source of vitamin it serves vitamin B12 and B6 which convert the potentially dangerous chemical homocysteine to begin molecules. It is low in fat are associated with reduced risk of colon cancer. Lean beef is a good source of zinc which is very much potential for preventing the damage of blood vessel walls which also needed for the proper functioning of immune system and can contribute to atherosclerosis as well.

As compare to grains, though beans give the same amount of calories but usually give 2-4 many proteins to human body. May be because of this some of us considering as "healthy people meat" instead of "common people meat". Beans are also called as legumes or pulses and great source of all essential amino acids that we need in our daily diet.  It is rather than complete protein of foods found in animal origin such as meat, fish dairy products and even eggs which contain ample amounts of the essential amino acids.
To make a complete protein researches advice to combines beans with one of the brown rice, corn, nuts, seeds and wheat.

United States Department of Agriculture’s researchers say that having 1.5 ounces of tree nuts daily can reduce risk of serious heart disease and diabetes. Walnuts are best source of Omega 3s which can also be found in Salmon Fish. Hazelnuts (nut of the haze) having arginine an amino acid helpful low blood pressure. Almonds are very much helpful for heart.

Edamame and Tofu
Edamame is a green vegetable more commonly known as a soybean and its important place on your place. Tofu, Soy milk and edamame help to fight with heart disease when they replace fatty meats and cheeses, slashing struate fat intake.

Oatmeal is made from oats and oats are good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber has cancer fighting properties it attacks certain bile acids and reduce their toxicity. This is also play vital role in diabetics in a way that soluble fiber slow down the digestion of starch and avoid the sharp rises in blood sugar level or you can say it maintain the insulin

Flax Seed:
Flax is a member of the genus Lignum in the family Limacine. It is also good resource of portent plant of omega-3s. There is some evidence upon the researches, it may help to reduce risk factors of heart disease, cancer, stokes and diabetes. Good news for women, study showed that having 10 gram of flaxseed every day for 2 months had 25% improvement in ratio of breast cancer.

Tomatoes are native to South America and common source of lycopene. One of US studies concludes that regularly having tomatoes could prevent from risk of getting prostate cancer and Brest cancer. Much of the interest in tomatoes has been due to the antioxidant lycopene, which helps to mop up damaging free radicals in the body that can harm our cell.

Ipomoea Batatas (Sweet Potato)
Belongs to the family of Convolvulaceae and full of Vitamin A, B6, C and vitamin D. Most of us aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy. Sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. A half cup of sweet spud delivers only 130 calories but 80% of the DV of vitamin A. 

Monday 20 August 2012

Increase Metabolism naturally; Remedies for Diabetes

About Diabetes:
Diabetes is among the most debilitating of lifestyle diseases, often the precursor to many other types of health disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and chronic illnesses of the eye. Most diabetics tend to depend upon taking medications, many of which include hormone supplementation injections and drugs for controlling the sugar levels. Though these aids are often critical for managing cases where diabetes seems to have turned into an incurable condition, it is always better to seek natural cures. These natural remedies don’t put forth the kind of side-effects associated with stronger medications and can be resourced from our everyday supplies

What is Metabolism?
Metabolism is something that is important when it comes to losing weight as individuals who have higher metabolism rate tend to lose weight easier and faster.
Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself. Whether eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning etc.
Metabolism plays a very important role in weight loss. Many people follow fasting to lose weight, but regular fasting slow down body metabolism and cause your blood sugar levels to raise due to stress fasting plays on your body. Whereas metabolic fasting provides nutrients to your body, it needs to stimulate your metabolism to your body into calorie burning mode.
And remember dieting without any consultation may harm to your body's metabolism systems permanently. So I appeal to you to always keep in touch with a nutrition expert.

Different Ways to Increase Metabolism:
  • Drinking Water:
Water is the most important thing you can give your body, especially when you’re regularly exercising.  Drinking plenty of water helps to boost metabolism by helping your organs work more efficiently.  Drinking an adequate amount of water will prove to aid your weight loss because it is a natural appetite suppressant that banishes bloat by flushing out sodium and toxins from your body.  Everyone should drink at least 8 cups of water every day.
  • Grapefruit:
According to researchers there are some huge advantages of adding grapefruit to your diet.
Although the “grapefruit diet” isn’t the healthiest way to go about losing weight, incorporating grapefruit into your diet may help boost your metabolism and works to reduce the insulin levels in your body. Insulin is what tells your body to store fat.

  • Peppers:
Spicy foods can also boost metabolism of body. Especially those loaded with jalapenos, cayenne pepper and curry spices. Because of these types of peppers & spices that contain capsaicin – chemical, it helps to produce more stress hormones. These hormones help to increase metabolism to your body.
  • Green Tea:
Weight Loss Green Tea is unique and effective way to lose weight. It works synergistically to increase the metabolic rate. An increased metabolism is one key factor to sustained weight loss. Without a faster metabolism, weight loss is a battle.
  • Oatmeal:
Oatmeal is richness of soluble fiber which is extremely good for the human body especially for heart, which helps to lower cholesterol. It has plenty of nutrients that will provide you with the energy you need to make it through the day.  Be sure to go for steel cut oats or rolled oats, instead of instant oatmeal to get the most benefit out of it.

Friday 3 August 2012

Drink Green Tea and Boost Metabolism

After every few weeks we found new research comes for Green Tea. Because many of people agreed that how green tea is beneficial for their body and it’s scientifically proved by researchers. Benefits of Drinking Green tea is in many ways, one of the most benefit of drinking green tea is its natural stimulant, as compare to coffee, green tea is much milder than caffeine that exist in coffee.
Drinking green tea is also helps to lose your weight too. Yea, that’s right, Green tea for weight loss purpose is well known because it’s natural metabolism booster content. This is my personal experience that I notice in order to reduce weight and get fit as well. In my lifelong quest of losing weight and being thin & fit I have tried lots of experiment, some of them haven’t worked, but when I found one of the best way to lose weight and keep slim and fit is natural metabolism booster drink. Yes that is none other than ‘Green Tea’.
Drinking green tea is best way for weight loss. And drinking tea is a habit. I drink 4-5 cups in a day. Since I started, I notice it is working successfully. Green tea has its caffeine in it that helps to increase metabolic of your body, but it also has antioxidants in it called catechins and these are actually the things that cause your metabolism to speed up. Green tea is also useful in term of treating food poisoning and many other ailments.
Green tea is also help to prevent cancer, lower sugar, prevent heart disease and give you slew of healthy benefits. 
There are many manufacturer of green tea in market some of these are SOTARI’s Green tea. It was scientifically designed and engineered by a beverage and food technologist and inspired by a medical doctor specializing in weight loss and eating disorders. Their goal was to create a beverage that would help curb the appetite, and enhance metabolic fat burning in a satisfying and refreshing drink.

Monday 23 July 2012

Benefits of Natural Green Tea

In my previous blog, I discussed on Healthy Foods and their Sources. Now I am going to share my experience with weight loss consultant. In last month we (me & my sweetie wife) went for holiday weekend to get relax from daily routine and our day to day fast life. And everyone has to go. In this vacation one ashamed incidence happened with me. Our neighbor where we stayed was such fantastic man elder man, he was 60+ but looks like 40 where as I am 47 but I looks like elder to him.

I and my wife spend some time with his family. On that our discussion he shared his daily workout his diet and more about his secrete behind his healthy fitness. Whereas I also use to do daily workout diet but still he looks like younger to me. Behind this séance, I conclude that to avoid artificial beverages like coffee, tea with unnatural flavors instead of them I have to use Natural Green Tea.

I would like to share this moment and benefits of Natural Green Tea that I realize to share with those my friend who are struggling to lose their weight and being fit & healthy:
Benefits of 100% Natural Green Tea:
Most of people talks about their health related activities the more advices we are likely to get. There are different versions of understanding this. We generally believe that coffee has caffeine, that harmful to health when compared to tea. Most of us like to go with Black tea just like my sweetie because of its taste but the green tea is not loved for its taste but for its healthy ways to our body. It is fact that benefits of natural green tea have been used by people for many decades now.

I also conclude that green tea is beneficial for low of blood pressure and it also helps to cure cancer. And the result is that maximum amount of poly-phenols and antioxidants continue to be retained in the green tea thus increases benefits of green tea.
  • Heart Disease: It is scientifically prove that Green Tea has huge relaxing properties that help on the coating of blood vessels that helps to keep them stress-free and thus help them resist the fluctuations in blood pressure. 
  • Diabetes (Sugar Free Green Tea):  Now a day in a market green tea manufactures like SOTARI provides sugar free green tea, it can help to regulate human body glucose levels, potentially preventing high insulin levels.
  • Weight Loss Green Tea: Green tea is also known for metabolism booster drink. Also poly phenol, found in green tea can intensify the levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body can turn food into calories.
  • Reduce Cholesterol: 100% natural & healthy green tea helps to reduce unnecessary Cholesterol from blood.
  • Cancer Cure: researchers say that Green Tea helps to cure cancer. Green tea can help to reduce risk of esophageal cancer and also kill cancer cells in common without destroying the healthy tissues around them.
  • Dental Care: Dentist believes that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in regular tea helps to annihilate bacteria and other viruses which cause dental caries and also helps in clearing throat infections.
  • Blood Pressure: Regular consumption of green tea may help to keep the blood pressure normal.
So after all that benefit, I have approaches towards Green Tea to become healthy and fit. I wish in next vacation Mr. Smith (person who makes me ashamed :( ) could not recognize me..!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Healthy Foods and their Sources

Healthy Eating means choosing the appropriate amounts of foods from all of the five food groups. 

Healthy eating means consuming the right quantities of foods from all five food groups in order to lead a healthy life. The five food groups and sources are as following:
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Milk and Dairy Products
  • Foods containing Fat and Sugar (cakes, crisps, biscuits, fizzy drinks, etc)
A healthy balanced diet contains a variety of types of food, including all the five food groups mentioned above. Regular work out also help to keep fit your health.
  •  Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates provide the body with fuel it needs for physical activity and for proper organ function, and they are an important part of a healthy diet. But some kinds of carbohydrates are far better than others.
Carbohydrates are found in a wide array of foods— as in Berries, Bananas, Brown Rice, Potatoes, Tomato Sauce, milk, popcorn, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, cherry pie etc. They also come in a variety of forms. The most common and abundant forms are sugars, fibers, and starches.

  • Proteins:
Basically proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22 different types of amino acid and the body needs all of them to function properly. And Protein is required by the body for the growth, maintenance and repair of all cells. Proteins are found in wide array of foods - Grass-Fed Beef, fish especialy Wild Salmon & Tuna fish, Organic Chicken, Organic DHA-Enhanced Eggs etc.
Some of us are PURE VEGETARIANS :) yes.. off course there are also sources for veg- Proteins too as in Whole grains, Beans, Lentils, Legumes, soy products, Nuts, Seeds etc.

  • Fruit  and Vegetables:
Me as Food Technologist, I start my day with Green Lemon Tea to keep fresh. I would also like to recommend that we should have to be incorporate fruit and vegetables in our meal as well as being the first choice for a snack. Population studies have shown that people who eat a lot of fruit and vegetables may have a lower risk of chronic disease, such as heart disease and some cancers. Health benefits can be gained from fresh, canned (in natural juice), frozen, cooked, juiced or dried versions. Potatoes don't count though, as they're a starchy food.
We should have to use bananas, apples, carrots, cauliflower, etc in our regular meal.

  • Milk and Dairy (milk, cheese, yoghurt, dairy alternatives, etc)
  • Foods Containing Fat and Sugar (cakes, crisps, biscuits, fizzy drinks, etc)

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Green Tea – Using a Convenient Diet Mix

SOTARI's Lemon Green Tea - Sugar Free Green Tea
Green tea is believed to be a potential agent that can help you drop the pounds.  Weight loss is obviously a serious matter these days and a convenient diet mix can help.  Motivation for weight loss can come from lifestyle factors, health reasons, or just a desire to feel good about yourself.  Irrespective of the possible reasons, there is a need for an ultimate solution since the weight gain or obesity can lead to many serious health hazards such as diabetes, and the heart diseases. A good Green tea diet drink mix can be an effective weight loss remedy since many of the reports show positive effects.

A flavorful Green tea diet drink mix is recommended mainly because of its multifaceted effects on health. The major active component that attributes the properties to the green tea are the polyphenols such as catechin, epicatechin, epicatechin gallate, gallaogatechin, epigallocatechin, and apigallocatechin gallate (known as EGCG). Even though it have alkaloids such as caffeine, the EGCG is effective to compensate due to an increase metabolism. The studies show that EGCG, which is a natural antioxidant, is also an effective thermionic that can burn off the calories. Using a green tea diet drink product, energy expenditure and metabolic rate is hiked at a rate of 4%, which will certainly help you for weight loss.

Green tea catechins will also acts as a glucose regulator. It regulates the insulin level in the body and inhibits the sudden rise of insulin in the body after the food, which may initiate the fat conversion. The lowering of the insulin level prevents the sugar level rise and the fat storage, which ultimately prevent the weight gain. And, the influence in blood sugar level has proven some effect in the appetite level, also. The continuous intake of green tea is suspected to decrease the appetite, which naturally contribute to the weight loss.  That’s why a convenient diet mix is key to your weight loss plan.  A Green tea based diet drink product that allows you to use it anytime, anywhere in a premixed packet.

To add on, if you do not even count any of the above attributes of a good Herbal Green Tea Diet Drink Mix, a simple factor will certainly add a cutting edge to green tea. If you are lenient enough to just substitute the usual morning drink, which is rich with calories, with a cup of your favorite green tea diet drink itself can definitely help you lose weight.

To find a good Green tea diet drink that works for you, go online and finds a trusted place to regularly buy it.  When you find your product, place your online order for delivery by mail.  Online buying is convenient and cost effective through online sales websites.  It also ensures you have ample supply of your chosen diet drink mix.